Sovereign Syndicate Review: A Victorian Steampunk semi-RPG

Sovereign Syndicate emerges as a distinct entry in the cRPG genre, courtesy of Crimson Herring Studios. Its Victorian steampunk setting and tarot card-based gameplay mechanics promise an unconventional adventure. The game ambitiously seeks to marry dense narrative layers with unique gameplay elements, aiming to stand out in a crowded market.

Gameplay Mechanics

The heart of Sovereign Syndicate‘s innovation lies in its use of tarot cards as a decision-making and fate-determining mechanic. This approach adds a layer of unpredictability and strategic depth, as players must navigate through the game’s challenges not with the roll of dice but through the draw of cards. This mechanic is both a blessing and a curse; it introduces a fresh gameplay element but also steepens the learning curve. The game rewards those who invest the time to understand the intricacies of tarot readings, linking character fate and decisions to the mystique of the cards.

Narrative and Character Development

Crimson Herring Studios has woven a complex tapestry of narratives, set against the backdrop of a steampunk-infused Victorian era. The story is rich, with players tasked with unraveling a sinister plot amidst societal decay.

Sovereign Syndicate and Its Echoes of Disco Elysium

In drawing parallels between Sovereign Syndicate and the critically acclaimed Disco Elysium, one cannot help but notice the deep-rooted similarities that make both games stand out in the cRPG genre. Sovereign Syndicate, with its intricate narrative storytelling and emphasis on text and dialogue, mirrors Disco Elysium‘s approach to role-playing and character development. Both games eschew traditional combat for a more narrative-driven experience, focusing on the decisions of the player to shape the story’s outcome.

Sovereign Syndicate adopts a non-traditional game mechanic similar to Disco Elysium, where dialogue and character choices are central to gameplay. The game allows players to control three (technically four, with two stories being deeply interconnected) protagonists, each with distinct backgrounds and personal journeys that the player navigates through a choice-driven narrative. This multi-perspective storytelling enriches the game’s depth and complexity, akin to Disco Elysium‘s multifaceted narrative approach.

The setting of Sovereign Syndicate, marked by its Victorian England backdrop laced with steampunk and fantasy elements, creates a rich, immersive world. This is somewhat reminiscent of Disco Elysium‘s own unique setting, where societal decay and philosophical introspection play a significant role. Moreover, Sovereign Syndicate features a diverse cast of characters, including fantasy races like centaurs, cyclopes, and werewolves, which adds a layer of complexity to its social and political dynamics, echoing Disco Elysium‘s exploration of identity and class struggle.

Gameplay-wise, Sovereign Syndicate draws inspiration from Disco Elysium through its dialogue-centered mechanics and the concept of internal voices that represent different facets of a character’s psyche. This mechanic adds a psychological depth to character interactions, allowing players to explore various aspects of their personality based on the choices they make. Additionally, Sovereign Syndicate introduces tarot cards as a means of decision-making and character development, paralleling Disco Elysium‘s use of skills and thoughts to unlock new dialogue options and influence the narrative.

Combat, or the lack thereof, in Sovereign Syndicate also mirrors Disco Elysium‘s approach, focusing on skill checks and narrative outcomes rather than traditional battle sequences. This emphasis on story over combat further cements both games’ reputation as narrative-rich experiences that prioritize intellectual engagement and moral complexity over physical confrontation.

Visuals and Atmosphere

Visually, Sovereign Syndicate is a mixed affair. The game successfully captures the gloomy ambiance of a Victorian steampunk world, with environments that are both intriguing and immersive. The art style is distinctive, though the execution in terms of texture work and animations leaves something to be desired. These technical shortcomings are somewhat mitigated by the game’s atmospheric strengths, particularly its use of lighting and environmental storytelling to create a compelling world.

One notable aspect of Sovereign Syndicate that might influence player experience significantly is the absence of voice acting. The game relies entirely on text for dialogue and storytelling, a decision that has a double-edged effect on its presentation and immersion. On one hand, the lack of voice overs allows for a more extensive and nuanced narrative, free from the constraints and costs associated with voice acting. It encourages players to engage more deeply with the text, potentially leading to a richer understanding of the game’s complex world and characters. On the other hand, this choice may detract from the immediacy and emotional impact that well-executed voice acting can provide. In an era where voice performances can elevate the narrative experience of games, the absence of such a feature in Sovereign Syndicate is felt, leaving the characters and their interactions feeling less dynamic and, to some, potentially less engaging. This design decision underscores the game’s traditional RPG roots but also highlights a missed opportunity to further enhance its atmospheric and immersive qualities.

Performance and Technical Aspects

On the performance front, Sovereign Syndicate performs adequately, though it’s not without its issues. Load times can be lengthy, and players may encounter occasional bugs or glitches that detract from the experience. These technical hiccups, while not game-breaking, can interrupt the immersion and flow of gameplay.


Sovereign Syndicate is a game of contrasts. Its unique tarot mechanic, engaging narrative, and atmospheric world are marred by visual and technical flaws. Yet, it remains an intriguing title for those drawn to its Victorian steampunk setting and innovative gameplay. While not a masterpiece, it demonstrates Crimson Herring Studios’ ambition and creativity. For fans of the genre looking for something different, Sovereign Syndicate offers a journey worth considering, albeit with tempered expectations.

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